CCR Projects
Hatfield Power Station
Project Description
The Hatfield Power Station, deactivated in 2013, is located in southwestern Pennsylvania. The landfill was developed in three phases. Phases 1 and 2 were unlined valley fills using CCR to backfill mining of the Uniontown coal seam. The Phase 3 landfill, which has a double composite liner system, overlies Phases 1 and 2. Each phase has a pump station delivering leachate to a Passive Wetland Treatment System. KEY conducted a study to determine if the ash disposed of in Phases 1 and 2 has the necessary physical and chemical properties to be a candidate for beneficial reuse.
Activities Performed
KEY managed the sampling and reporting requirements for the landfill’s environmental monitoring system, which includes 18 groundwater monitoring wells, 13 surface water and leachate sampling points, 6 dustfall monitoring locations and 14 NPDES program monitoring points.
Assisted with a beneficial reuse study
Assisted with negotiation of NPDES Permit renewal
Quarterly sampling of 18 groundwater monitoring wells and 13 surface water and leachate monitoring points and preparation of Form 14Rs for submittal to the PADEP
Weekly/bi-monthly/per discharge sampling of 14 NPDES monitoring points and preparation of Discharge Monitoring Reports
Weekly dustfall sampling at 6 locations and reporting
Weekly and monthly inspections of the landfill cap, drainage channels, leachate collection/detection system and sedimentation pond dam
Proposed revision to stormwater/leachate outfall location to meet stricter NPDES Permit discharge requirements
Prepared drawings for the abandonment of the existing Passive Wetland Treatment System
Developed plan to obtain samples of CCR for testing to determine its viability for beneficial reuse
Managed the US EPA CCR website on behalf of the owner