Pete Sawchuck P.E.
Managing Partner & Civil Engineer
B.S., Civil Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo
Mr. Sawchuck has managed some of the largest (in scope and cost) property redevelopment projects located in the Metropolitan New York area and New England. These sites require him to deal with multiple stakeholders and regulatory agencies in providing our clients with the direction, engineering, and regulatory options to best manage the development of the formerly impacted sites. Mr. Sawchuck has over 35 years experience involved in compliance, investigation, design, and permitting of industrial properties.
Years of Experience/Years with KEY: 44/30
Practice Area(s):
Brownfield Remediation/Redevelopment
Construction Oversight
Environmental Due Diligence
Environmental Permitting & Compliance
Site Development
Project Management
Remedial Design
Remedial Construction
Wood Treating Sites
Complex Sites Adjacent to Waterways
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Representative Projects:
Brownfield Remediation/Redevelopment
Performed investigation, evaluation, design, permitting, construction QA/QC, and acted as certifying engineer
Utilized a combination of engineering controls, on-site management of impacted media, and the natural attenuation of contaminants in groundwater to address contaminants
Designed and installed a DNAPL recovery system
Secured multi-agency permitting for impacts to wetlands and construction in a coastal zone/navigable waterway.
Brownfield Remediation/Redevelopment
Developed investigative and remedial plans for a 300 acre waterfront facility.
Performed in-situ treatment of coal tar wastes, sediment remediation, and wetlands restoration,
Designed engineering controls such as barrier walls and surface cover
Focused excavation and long term monitoring of the natural attenuation of contaminants in groundwater
Obtained No Further Action (NFA) releases for soils and groundwater enabling commercial redevelopment by the owner
Multiple Municipal Gas Plants:
Oversaw the activities associated with remediation:
Completed investigation, design, and removal of wastes from below-ground gas holders
Led efforts to remove DNAPL from groundwater
Demonstrated that nearby potential receptors were not adversely affected.