Jacob Bourdeau P.E.
Supervising Manager/Engineer
M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Pittsburgh
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Pittsburgh
Mr. Bourdeau leads KEY’s practice for site redevelopment along the East Coast. Projects he has managed include the largest waterfront redevelopment site in New York City in 60 years. He has also managed projects at sites impacted by MGP, chromium impacted sites, wood treating creosote, coke and coal tar, PFAS, and other chemicals. Mr. Bourdeau’s projects have been administered under CERCLA, RCRA, State Brownfields, Voluntary Action, and Solid Waste programs.
Years of Experience/Years with KEY: 30/28
Practice Area(s):
Brownfield Remediation/Redevelopment
Civil Design
Construction Oversight
Emerging Contaminants
Environmental Due Diligence
Environmental Permitting & Compliance
Groundwater Flow/Contaminant Modeling
Oil & Gas Services
Site Assessment
Site Development
Soil & Groundwater Remediation
Water & Wastewater Design
Beneficial Reuse
Compliance Inspections
Construction Permitting
Geotechnical Evaluation & Design
Groundwater Modeling
In Situ Remediation
Part 360 Permit and Compliance
RCRA Compliance
Stormwater & Erosion Controls

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Representative Projects:
Brownfield Remediation/Redevelopment
Managed due diligence, surface cover design, wetland applications, and monitoring plans for a 675-acre diked MOSF/Former LNG property abutting a shipping channel with over 200 acres of tidal and freshwater wetlands
Incorporated over 4.7M CY of fill material using low-cost amended dredge sediments (ADM) and other recyclables
Obtained over 30 Case-specific BUDs approved for historic fill material and ADM reuse
Manage ongoing SMP, SWPPP, SPDES, and GW monitoring programs.
Brownfield Remediation/Redevelopment
Completed investigations, remedial design, permitting, CQA and O&M
Designed and implemented slurry wall containment, DNAPL recovery wells with groundwater infiltration, funnel and gate design with sustainable in-situ treatment, hexavalent chromium delineation with capillary breaks, hydraulic evaluations, and monitored natural attenuation
Reused amended dredge sediments as cover materials
Saved client millions of dollars in surface cover material costs
Former MGP/LNG/Operating Utility:
Designed, built, and operated a 25-gpm LNAPL/DNAPL and groundwater recovery system
Reduced client's annual budget by 66%
Completed a site-specific NAPL migration model evaluation which resulted in conversion from active to passive LNAPL recovery and eliminated the NPDES permit.
Currently managing passive LNAPL O&M