Dale Foster P.E.
Principal Chemical Engineer
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Grove City College
Mr. Foster provides technical leadership on the treatment and management of groundwater, soil, and other contaminated media. Mr. Foster, a hands-on solutions-oriented chemical engineer, is expert in all aspects of remediation. He has experience with providing options for handling waste by-products in a variety of cost-effective ways. He has also designed retrofit or replacement systems for existing treatment systems that have dramatically reduced maintenance and long-term operations costs. Mr. Foster also serves as the President of Field and Technical Services, LLC. (an affiliate of KEY).
Years Experience/Years with KEY: 40/30
Practice Area(s):
Brownfield Remediation/Redevelopment
Coal Combustion Residuals
Emerging Contaminants
Environmental Permitting & Compliance
Expert Witness
Oil & Gas Services
Site Assessment
Soil & Groundwater Remediation
Water & Wastewater Design
Groundwater Treatment
Water/Wastewater Treatment System Design
Emerging Contaminants
Treatability Testing
Feasibility Studies
Oversight, Optimization, and Upgrades of Treatment System Operations
Chemical/Process Engineering

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Representative Projects:
Former Manufactured Gas Plant Site
Lead designer for 2 groundwater treatment systems for site containing hexavalent chromium and mixed organic constituents
Performed system sizing and calculations
Led specification development and drawings
Coordinated subcontractors
In Situ Biological Treatment System
Designed aerobic and anaerobic treatment zones to determine constituents
Calculated treatment reagent doses per zone
Lead engineer for design of injection system (wells and process)
Oversaw injection program
Analyzed data over time and adjusted treatment to achieve required results
Evaluation of Existing Treatment Systems
Reviewed existing system design, data, and systems
Identified data gaps and possible inconsistencies
Optimized process to eliminate unnecessary/labor-intensive activities
Created preliminary conceptual design for replacement system, task automation, and data collection
Former Coal-Fired Power Plant and Landfill
Conceived design for 14K ft leachate pipeline system
Innovative alternative to current process
Utilizes existing structure
Creates cost savings
Performed hydraulic calculations
Determined requirements for freeze protection and leak detection
Emerging Contaminant Removal
Lead designer on pilot treatment system for 1,4 dioxane
Developed a UV/Peroxide treatment process
Achieved 4-log reduction in 1,4 dioxane concentrations