Tom Jordan PhD P.G.
Supervising Geologist/Geophysicist
PhD, Geophysics, University at Buffalo
M.S., Geology, SUNY College at Fredonia
Dr. Jordan specializes in geophysics, groundwater flow modeling, interpretation of subsurface geologic provinces, and exploration and development of groundwater, energy, and mineral resources. He is the technical lead on geologic and hydrogeologic efforts and has managed projects regulated by RCRA, CERCLA, and state programs. He has particular expertise in understanding gases, oils, and other Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPL) in geologic formations. Dr. Jordan serves as a researcher, part-time faculty, and GIS specialist at Youngstown State University. He completed his undergraduate work in Geology at Alfred University.
Years of Experience/Years with KEY: 37/23
Practice Area(s):
Expert Witness
Geophysics Investigations
Groundwater Flow/Contaminant Modeling
Oil & Gas Services
Site Assessment
Soil & Groundwater Remediation
Development and oversight of investigation programs
Development of conceptual and digital models of complex geological and hydrogeologic conditions in faulted, fractured, and folded sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous bedrock terrains
Mapping and interpreting the subsurface in a variety of geologic provinces in the U.S., Canada, and the Pacific
Exploration and development of natural resources

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Representative Projects:
Historical Benzene Release at a Former Coke Oven and Benzol Recovery Facility at an Integrated Steel Mill
Completed a groundwater flow and transport model to evaluate contaminant migration
Provided expert witness services for this project including courtroom testimony, providing counsel with declarations, affidavits, expert reports, rebuttals to the opposition’s experts, depositions, and other technical support services
KEY’s client’s arguments were accepted by the court and the case was dismissed via summary judgment
High Capacity Industrial Water Well Siting and Design to Assist Horizontal Well Completion Efforts
Provided database and GIS services to identify the optimal location for a deep, high capacity, industrial water well to supplement existing water sources to support a multiple horizontal well completion effort within the Point Pleasant oil and gas fairway.
Created water well design and specifications
Evaluated hydraulic fracturing to improve yield, and
Supported client permitting, costing, sampling, and equipment scheduling for drilling and development
Investigation and Remediation Solutions for Multiple Releases of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, Acids, and PCBs at a former Specialty Chemical Manufacturer
Transitioned one of the three areas into a monitored natural attenuation program
Evaluated groundwater remedies for the third area through the use of one, two, and three-dimensional groundwater models that included:
Natural attenuation
Injection of reactants with a parallel evaluation of limitations due to hydraulic fracturing potential
Groundwater flow barrier with an enhanced biowall treatment gate
Pump and treat methodologies
Submitted a Focused Feasibility Study (FFS) for the third area and the clients are awaiting regulatory approval of the preferred remedial alternative.
Evaluate Candidate Natural Gas Storage Facilities for a Resource Exploration Company (PA)
Analyzed microgravity, seismic reflection, and geophysical well log data and integrated it into a digital model of the stratigraphy, geologic structure, salt thickness, and percent shale
Provided the client with these results to inform their purchasing decision for the gas storage rights
Supported client test borings to verify the geophysical model results