Christine Zubrow P.E.
Engineering Group Manager
M.S., Agricultural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
B.S., Agricultural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
Ms. Zubrow is experienced in a broad range of civil design, process design, permitting and environmental compliance, and construction projects. Her work has included project management, design and permitting for a variety of remediation projects, CCR Facility closures, and water and wastewater projects. Ms. Zubrow leads our wetland and aquatic resource assessment services.
Years of Experience/Years with KEY: 20/16
Practice Area(s):
Brownfield Remediation/Redevelopment
Civil Design
Coal Combustion Residuals
Construction Oversight
Environmental Permitting & Compliance
Water & Wastewater Design
Remedial Design & Project Management
Wetlands Delineation
Compliance and Permitting
Process Engineering
Remedial Construction CQA

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Representative Projects:
CCR Facility Closure Design & Permitting
Designed surface impoundment closure, CCR unit cover, leachate collection, and stormwater management
Completed Permit to Install applications
Conducted aquatic resources assessment and Nationwide Permit application
Remedial Design/Remedial Action
Prepared remedial design drawings, technical specifications, contractor bid documents, permit applications, construction completion reports, and as-built drawings
Conducted slope stability assessments
Designed cover system for a former lagoon area cap
Responsible for stormwater design and BMP selection and design
Performed design calculation for lagoon stabilization using Geogrid
Provided Construction Quality Assurance, Construction Oversight, and Project Management.
Environmental Compliance
Facilitated Clean Water Act Section 401 and 404, NPDES, Nationwide, and other State and Local Permit applications
Performed wetland delineation, stream assessment, wetland restoration, and monitoring
Responsible for floodplain restoration plan, oversight during revegetation, and monitoring
Completed NPDES permit applications including erosion and sediment control plans and stormwater control plans
Water Treatment and Distribution
Prepared groundwater treatment plant rebuild design, engineers report, and operation maintenance and monitoring plan
Designed Water and Sewer distribution system and sewer lift station
Conceived a mobile water treatment system for the treatment of 1,4 dioxane
Responsible for the equipment layout, design, selection, and purchase of equipment and materials, preparing Operation and Maintenance Manual, and as-built drawings.
Created processes and instrumentation diagrams and piping layout for the water storage facility consisting of four off-site transfer pipelines, four pumps, eight storage tanks, and four truck loadout locations.
Organized material quantity takeoff and contractor bid documents, and construction support